A Day In The Life: Birthday Party Bliss


I adore birthdays. It’s the one day of the year to celebrate YOU and of course kids are on the count down months in advance to this highly anticipated day. Both my girls have summer birth dates which proves difficult in organizing parties as many people are away. This year I waited until school started up again to celebrate or 7 year old’s birthday with her friends and OH!, what a party. Admittedly, I was feeling the stress of pulling it off but when I leaned over to hear my little girl whisper in my ear “Mom, this is the best party ever!”, it made every ounce of the day worth it. The cupcake piñata was epic, although I nearly shed a tear as the girls attacked it’s beautiful tissue paper icing adorned with a cherry on top. *sigh* Sometimes I wonder if the party is as much for me as it is for them.