5 Reasons to Reupholster/Refinish Your Existing Furniture


Is your furniture in need of an update? It’s natural to jump straight to checking out all the new and exciting pieces living in furniture world. That being said, you don’t always need “new” (we’re talking brand new) pieces to bring new life to your space. The process of redesigning your existing pieces is one we as designers enjoy. Updating wood finishes, new fabric selections, reconsidering fills for comfort and upgrading hardware can take your tired furniture a long way.

There are certainly times where your worn furniture has seen its day. When deciding whether or not your furniture is reupholstery/refinish ready there are a few key factors to consider.


Well made furniture is worth reupholstering, full stop. Quality was likely part of the reason the piece was purchased in the first place. Celebrating good workmanship, and investing in quality means you’ll benefit from this purchase for years to come. While aspects of the quality will diminish over time, such as cushion shape or perhaps a spring or two, these things are easy to upgrade and replace. Whether a vintage piece needing some love, or a relatively new piece looking for an update, quality investments are never a bad thing.


Clients are often worried an investment piece will go out of style, or they’ll get tired of the look after so many years.  Investing in a piece of furniture doesn’t mean it needs to stay that way forever. There are many modifications, and updates an item can undergo in order to give it a new lease on life. Custom upholsterers, and furniture makers/ refinishers, who are experts in their craft, can transform just about anything. A new fabric, new leg style, round arms to square, changing three cushions to a bench seat, new hardware, paint or stain…to name a few. Seeing past its current state, and imagining a reincarnated version of itself is a great way to salvage an existing piece.

If you still love the overall look, but it doesn’t suit your current aesthetic, consider moving it to another room. Whether a kids bedroom, basement media room, guest bedroom, there may be other rooms in the home that could benefit from the piece.


Selling used furniture isn’t easy, and you’ll never get the price you feel it’s worth, or even close to what you paid for it. Reupholstery and/or refinishing is a great alternative to having your furniture pieces end up in a landfill.

Reusing existing items also eliminates the need for shipping, boxes & packaging!


We’ve all heard of the incredible delays and extended lead times in the current supply chain and world of ordering furniture. Taking a good look at what you have is a great way to avoid such delays, and minimize the wait time.


Putting money back into your local city/ community is never a bad thing! Reupholstering or refinishing items by skilled trades close to home is a great way to support local businesses.



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