Confessions of an Interior Designer: Caramels for a Cause
I’ve lost my caramel making mojo. The score is currently Caramels 4, Nyla 0.
If you’ve known me for a while you’re fully aware of these little morsels, and not only the enthusiasm around them, but also how much they mean to me.
For those not familiar, this has been a tradition of mine for almost 30 years, and one I look forward to gifting to friends, family, clients and suppliers, year after year. It’s a Christmas tradition that those who’ve received them in the past, can probably taste them as they read this.
People wait all year for these caramels, and I’m not exaggerating. (I’ve already had people asking when the caramels will be delivered!!) Once received, some eat them all in one sitting, others hide them for safekeeping in order to savour them for weeks, or months to follow.
In the past I’ve made seven pans, yielding roughly 2000 individual caramels. It takes two hours to make them, 24 hours to allow them to come to room temperature, and several hours to cut and wrap them. It’s a labour of love!
The last two years we’ve auctioned off leftover caramels in support of the Calgary Food Bank. With your generosity, we’ve raised almost $2000.00!
After four failed attempts to make a dent in the number of caramels I needed to share with friends, family, clients, and suppliers, I’m throwing in the towel and waving a white flag. I don’t know what happened, but things didn’t go as planned this year. I’m so sad about it, and simply don’t have time to stay the course.
With all this said, one of my recent batches turned out for the better, which we’re pouring entirely into our annual Caramels for a Cause raffle!
Our mission at Nyla Free Designs is to change the way people feel, and experience their homes. With this, our charity of choice this year is Inn From The Cold. For 25 years, Inn from the cold has been helping families in Calgary find housing independence. With programs dedicated to homelessness prevention, supportive housing and emergency family shelter, Inn from the cold works with families to achieve stability amidst a state of housing crisis.
We're raffling off THREE, four dozen (that's 48 pieces total!) bundles of Golden Caramels in support of Inn from the Cold.
Click Donate > Enter Details > $10.00 per entry. It's as easy as unwrapping a caramel and popping it in your mouth! We'll be announcing the winners Tuesday, December 20th, 2022.
100% of the money received will be donated to Inn From The Cold. A 2018 study found, for every dollar donated, almost 5 dollars in social and economic value is created!
*Canadian entries only. Winners within Calgary will be delivered. Winners outside of Calgary will be shipped at no charge.
Thank you for your support and love of caramels! Here’s hoping 2023 is a more prosperous year with my candy making efforts.
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Nyla Free of Nyla Free Designs, reflects back on the lessons and learnings from 2024.