Confessions of an Interior Designer: Busyness
having a great deal to do.
"she had been too busy to enjoy herself"
I really despise the word BUSY, yet the underlying message seems to define my days.
Busy. Busy doing what? This word gives me the impression that nothing is really happening. Busyness to me references a negative association with how I fill my days. Especially considering the example sentence, “too busy to enjoy herself”.
Synonyms: unavailable | buried | engrossed | occupied | overloaded | persevering | slaving (oh my) | snowed (never good) | swamped
None of these feel good to me.
Yes, I have a great deal to do. My calendar is colour coded with team/ family events and meetings which is arguably overwhelming to look at or discern. No two days are ever the same. I run my own company, I make my family a priority and I do everything I can to make sure all the boxes get checked off in a day.
My days are FULL. And here’s the difference. I’m enjoying myself.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get overwhelmed, feel overloaded or buried, however I am rarely unavailable or feel like I’m a slave to my work or subsequent calendar. At the end of the day, these are the choices I make and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I LOVE MY WORK. I love my work for so many reasons and honestly, this is altogether a separate post. So many things to love…
The last few months have been a whirlwind of activity both personally and professionally.
We had two massive installations for projects we’ve been working on over the last three years, our eldest daughter graduated and made a few major life decisions, we photographed two projects, I embarked on my own extensive renovation project (more to come on this endeavour!!) and I’ve travelled to Mexico, Vancouver, Mara Lake and Wisconsin in the last three months. Yes, my days are full.
As we head into the summer months I’m looking forward to a refresh. A renewed headspace and change of pace and scenery is always a good idea to kickstart the Fall.
In the meantime I’m very mindful of the conversations and questions where busy is part of the equation. It’s a great reminder to reflect on life being full and plentiful in the most positive way.
With furniture installed and accessories placed, the family room of our Calgary Mount Royal project embodies a stormy charcoal and navy colour palette.
A getaway to Tulum, Mexico, included a visit to Chichen Itza. I was fascinated by the perfection of these columns.
Photoshoot in Vancouver!
Our ensuite is in full swing renovation mode. So excited!
Our Mara Lake project at the final stages of installation.
I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Sub-Zero/ Wolf brand of appliances in Madison Wisconsin.
T-minus 6.5 weeks until summer vacation. We have four installations to complete, a possible photoshoot, and a special event we’ve been working on, all happening within this timeframe.
There isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not grateful for my FULL days.
Have a fantastic weekend!